Luck, Fate, Grace?

Through a stroke of luck, fate, or by the grace of someone or something, I have the grandest fortune of a remarkable mother.

Finding inspiration in my everyday to be creative. In this case, my inspiration comes from a woman who has been ever present and all of the things above. Thanks Mommy!

I know I’m a day late, but we should tell our moms and loved ones how much we appreciate them regularly and not just on a Hallmark holiday. Say what you will about commercial holidays, but I love them and I think it’s great to have a reminder to take time out of our busy schedules to celebrate and commemorate.

Parenting is an unpaid, messy, and often thankless job, but millions (maybe billions) of amazing people take on the challenge. That challenge includes many years of sleepless nights and cleaning up messes that you didn’t make, so I don’t think parents do it just for the thanks or praise. Obviously, it’s not just long nights and cleaning. There are countless memories, lessons, and milestones too, but to put it simply, I think they just want to. They want to pass on their love, strength, knowledge, and themselves to a tiny little being, who sadly doesn’t stay tiny and little for long enough!

Parents, other caretakers, and parental figures are wonderful and play an important role in shaping and raising children. Mothers have a special unique role though, and a bond and experience that is unlike anyone else’s. I’m blessed to now understand this experience. And I think the most profound realization from becoming a mom myself is truly understanding the love, worry, sacrifices, and immeasurable joy that your own mom experienced (and is probably still experiencing) by having you.

We don’t say “thank you” enough. Sure, the flowers, cards, and gifts are nice sentiments and much appreciated, but those two words and the simple acknowledgment and expression of appreciation really warms mom’s heart. Just ask my mom, or me. It takes maybe 2.5 seconds for us to well up with happy tears and gratitude to hear or read “thank you for…” and to be reminded that we’re doing a good job.

I’ve learned from the best and I will be majorly successful if I am even half as amazing, loving, strong, happy, selfless, and graceful as my mom! Don’t forget to hug your mom and remind her often that she is loved and appreciated for the big and little things! I still have the warm fuzzies from yesterday!

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