No Shame in My Hover Game!

Free-range parenting versus Helicopter parenting. On what end of the spectrum do you lie? If you’re not sure, take this quiz! I’ll go first (raising my hand)!

Hi! I’m Kathee and I am a helicopter mom. I didn’t need the above quiz to confirm that I am a hover mother. I am a first-time mom, though my son is now almost two. However, I don’t feel ready to call myself a veteran mom yet.

I can admit it. Like I said…no shame in my hover game! I am watching my baby and everyone around him. Like a hawk. You might think that I didn’t see you sneak him a bite of ice cream. Or you might think that you’re in the clear after feeding him from your already used spoon that you just blew on, adding your own spit seasoning. Or you might think that you got away with avoiding the mandatory alcohol-free hand sanitizer ritual before touching my baby. But I saw you.

How and why did I become so neurotic when it comes to parenting? How and why am I so neurotic in general? I’m very Type A, educated, organized, and meticulous (or as my better half might say…crazy). Love makes people do crazy things. Love and maybe a little bit of fear. It makes you go way above and beyond. You make sure to cover all your bases and then you work your way back and cover them again. I’ve been doing the mom thing for almost two years now, longer if you count Tyler’s time in the womb, and I can tell you that it is the best job and biggest responsibility I will ever have.

I’m a self-proclaimed helicopter mom because I want my son to be his happiest healthiest self. I never want to feel like I could have done more. Maybe that is a deeper issue within myself, but there is comfort in knowing that I did everything I could and that I didn’t miss a beat.

Some might argue that I’m depriving my child of independence, the ability to self-soothe, and necessary exposure to germs! The list goes on. Some might argue that less is more. Yes, it definitely can be, but right now, this is what works for our family. I’m there to make sure his extremities are covered and protected from the 57º cold.  I’m there to prevent foreign objects in the nose. I’m there to make sure he doesn’t miss a step and falls flat on his face. I’m there to hold my son and rub his back when he slams his finger in a drawer, which only happens when I’m not hovering! Maybe I’ll join the dark side one day and let him walk to the end of the block by himself. Obviously, he’ll be in high school when that happens and I’ll know his exact whereabouts because I will have sewed Tiles into all of his clothes and shoes.

I kid!!! But all jokes aside, I’m there because I want to be and because he wants me to be. All of that can and will change one day and I might not necessarily be ready, but I’ll embrace it and find a way to make things work. Parenting, no matter how you do it, is about what works best for your family. You don’t have to pick a side and stay there. Be fluid and flexible and learn how to adapt to change.

Preparing for this now!

Well, Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy the weekend!



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