National Napping Day!

ATTN: Parents and sleep-deprived people everywhere

Grab a blanket, pillow, and your favorite stuffed animal. Find a place to reclaim your hour and drift off into dreamland!

Forget that it’s Monday! Okay, how could you forget that it’s Monday? Not only that, but it also happens to be the day after Spring Forward (hands down, my least favorite day of the entire year). But don’t fret because in 1999, William Anthony declared today National Napping Day! The most appropriate response to the thoughtless people who decided to take away that precious hour that we could have spent sleeping, cuddling, running errands, doing laundry, or other fun things!

William Anthony, a.k.a. “the Napman” is a proponent of snoozing throughout the day. He’s a retired Boston University researcher who advocated for nap rooms in the workplace, citing the great benefits of napping. These include boosting productivity, improving memory, reducing stress, and spurring creativity. There can also be downsides to napping (“Nappus interruptus” anyone?), but so long as you find a quiet cozy place that you won’t be bothered, a little daytime snoozefest can work wonders for your mind and body! Most people would gladly observe this holiday, with the exception of toddlers, who strongly oppose and are highly critical of the many studies that scientifically prove that naps are good for you!

You can find me napping in our office’s Quiet Room…but please don’t actually come find me!

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